Discover the world of trust

What's AURA?
AURA by Rizzy is a platform that allows you to voice your personal opinion by rating anyone based on personal interactions, experiences, ideas or by simply giving a compliment. Connect with those you know or explore new connections. AURA is based on trustworthiness, so the higher your AURA score the more trustworthy you will appear to others.

The more you rate, the more you know.
Everyday we are constantly around people we don't know, some experiences are nice and others not so much. we go to places where we interact with people we like, give them a compliment and then we go our separate ways. What if your compliment could do more for someone than just make them smile or make their day, by rating them according to the experience you had, that could benefit them by making them and others aware of the type of person they are capable of being.

Self awareness is key!
knowing how people perceive us is a constant battle we fight everyday. being able to get feedback is an awesome way to help us become better people. Also knowing how our interactions affect others by the ratings we get can be a good way to reflect and make the changes in us to boost our AURA.